There is no "method" to follow during unprogrammed, waiting worship, just as there is no method for patience, faith, or obedience. It is not a period of meditation, nor, strictly speaking, is it even a period of contemplative prayer. It is a time of patiently waiting upon the Lord with the faith that whatever it is we are experiencing can be used by our One True Teacher, if we turn our experience over to Him. Sometimes we may experience physical rest or mental rest or spiritual rest. Sometimes we may experience anxieties, wandering thoughts, boredom, or physical discomfort. Sometimes we may experience a clear call to speak, sing, or pray, while sometimes we may struggle to know if we are being called to speak, sing, or pray, and, if so, what it is we are to say, sing, or pray. In some meetings for worship, we may have a time of each of these.
One of the most important "parts" of meeting for worship is the preparation beforehand. In the minutes and hours ahead of the appointed time for worship, we may begin to feel ourselves drawn into prayer, bible reading, introspection, or inward waiting as preparation for worship. Over time, we may find ourselves preparing for the appointed time of worship days ahead of time.
Some Friends use the first few minutes of the appointed time for worship to pray inwardly for others, especially those gathered for worship; to ask inwardly for forgiveness or seek healing for oneself; to inwardly repeat a simple prayer, such as the Lord's Prayer or the name of Jesus; or to silently read passages of scriptures to which the Friend feels inwardly drawn; while others may simply allow their awareness to shift to the presence of those gathered in the Presence of the Lord. We hope that our bodies, minds, and spirits will become still, open, and receptive to the Presence of the Lord and whatever it is we need to see, hear, or say. Yet, again and again, we are more likely to become aware of how distracted we are. With patience and faith and a willingness to obey what is given, the Lord teaches us, usually slowly, how to be with Him and serve Him during worship. There is no method other than to return our attention, again and again, to His Presence.
Caprock Friends Christian Fellowship
Conservative Quakers in Lubbock, Texas